Onboarding Support

A quick guide to configuring your devices

How do I configure my technology for my course?

Two important technical requirements must be configured for ALL device that you use to participate in our courses:

  1. Allowing browser “cookies”
  2. Allowing “cross-site tracking” 

Without these settings configured on ALL devices, you may not be able to see your course content, and your progress won’t be tracked properly—causing you to redo work that you’ve already done. Nobody wants that.

If you plan to use your phone or tablet for any of our courses, we recommend that you download the TalentLMS App rather than using a mobile browser (Apple or Android).

Note, when you launch the app you’ll need to enter "therahive.talentlms.com” as your domain during the login process. 

Image of TalentLMS login page on mobile

Set Up Desktop Browser Cookies

Mozilla Firefox

  • Click the menu symbol and choose “Options.”
  • Go to the “Privacy and Security” tab.
  • In the “History” section, choose “Use Custom Settings” for History from the
  • Firefox will drop-down list.
  • In the “Cookies and Site Data” section, check “Accept Cookies” and site data from websites.
  • From the Accept third-party cookies and site data drop-down list, choose “Always.”

Google Chrome

  • Click the menu symbol and choose “Settings.”
  • In the “Privacy and Security” section, click “Cookies and other site data”.
  • Make sure you “Allow all cookies”.

Internet Explorer

  • Click the gear symbol and choose “Internet Options.”
  • Go to the “Privacy tab.”
  • Click “Advanced.”
  • On the “Advanced Privacy Settings” dialog box, check “Override automatic cookie handling”.
  • On the “First-party Cookies” section, check “Accept.”
  • On the “Third-party Cookies” section, check “Accept.”.
  • Check “Always Allow” session cookies.
  • Click Ok.
  • Click Ok again and restart the browser.

Microsoft Edge

  • Click the menu symbol and choose “Settings.”
  • In the “Advanced Settings” section, click “View advanced settings”.
  • From the “Cookies” drop-down list, choose “Don’t block cookies.”

Safari (Mac)

  • Click Safari and choose “Preferences.”
  • Go to the “Privacy” tab.
  • In the “Cookies and Website” data section, uncheck “Block all cookies.

Set Up Desktop Browser Cross-Site Tracking

Google Chrome

  • Click the menu symbol and choose “Settings.”
  • In the “Privacy and Security” section, scroll to "Privacy and Security."
  • Select  "Cookies and Other Site Data," and turn OFF the "Do not track" slider.

Safari (Mac)

  • Choosing "Preferences."
  • Tapping "Privacy."
  • Selecting "Prevent cross-site tracking."

Set Up Phone/Tablet Browser Cookies

Reminder: if you're on a mobile device, we recommend downloading the TalentLMS app to take our courses (Apple or Android). You’ll need to enter "therahive.talentlms.com” as your domain before logging in.

Image of TalentLMS login page on mobile

Here's how to allow browser cookies:

Safari (iOS)

  • On your iPhone or iPad, click "Settings."
  • On the left-hand panel, choose "Safari."
  • In the "Privacy & Security" section, uncheck "Block Cookies"


  • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app Chrome.
  • At the top right, tap "More" and then "Settings."
  • Tap Site settings and then "Cookies."
  • Turn "Allow" cookies on.

Set Up Phone/Tablet Browser Cross-Site Tracking

Reminder: if you're on a mobile device, we recommend downloading the TalentLMS app to take our courses (Apple or Android). You’ll need to enter "therahive.talentlms.com” as your domain before logging in.

Image of TalentLMS login page on mobile

Here's how to allow browser cookies:

Safari (iOS)

  • On your iPhone or iPad, click "Settings."
  • On the left-hand panel, choose "Safari."
  • In the "Privacy & Security" section, turn OFF “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking”


  • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app Chrome.
  • At the top right, tap "More" and then "Settings."
  • Tap “Privacy and Security.”
  • Turn OFF “Do Not Track”
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