Embracing DBT: The Global Rise and Benefits of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy [Deep Dive]

November 14, 2023
# min read

Heard of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, often referred to simply as DBT? You’re not alone! Developed by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan in the 1980s, it’s no overstatement to say that DBT has revolutionized the world of mental health. Today, it is used by mental health seekers of all backgrounds to treat anxiety and depression and to simply help people cope better with the stress and pressure of everyday life. But what’s the backstory of this modality, and why is it taking the world of mental health by storm? 

DBT’s Origin Story 

Let’s take a quick look at the roots and evolution of DBT. As you’ll see, it started out as a tool for serious mental illness, but quickly found itself applied to a whole range of other problems as well.

As The American Journal of Psychotherapy explains, DBT, began as an innovative approach to addressing suicidal behaviors. Developed by Marsha M. Linehan and her team, the primary goal was to help individuals create a fulfilling, “life worth living.” They focused on those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), a group notoriously at high risk for suicide. After much trial, error, and adaptation, the team finally made their breakthrough. 

The breakthrough win for DBT was the blend of techniques that focused on both change and acceptance. Therapists are trained to be adaptable, adjusting their strategies to align with the client's pace. This approach emphasizes the importance of accepting clients as they are, acknowledging the gradual nature of progress and the potential for setbacks. There's a strong emphasis on the therapist’s humility, recognizing that therapy is a collaborative journey where both the client and therapist contribute to the healing process.

A Blend of East and West 

In seeking a therapy rooted in acceptance, DBT turned to Eastern (Zen) and Western contemplative practices, with a focus on the radical acceptance of the present. These principles were transformed into behavioral skills, known as “mindfulness” and "reality acceptance skills", merging Eastern philosophy with traditional therapy. The integration of the philosophical concept of dialectics, which synthesizes opposing ideas, gave DBT its foundational structure. This blend of Eastern and Western thought, combined with continuous adaptation based on research and experience, has shaped DBT into the transformative therapy it is today.

DBT's Proven Effectiveness

One of the things that gets us so excited about DBT is that it’s not only practical and pain-free — it works, and we have the studies to show it.

Over the years, numerous controlled trials have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of DBT. Studies carried out at the University of Washington's Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinics, show patients experiencing fewer suicide attempts, self-injuries, and treatment dropouts than those in conventional treatments. They also felt less anger and improved socially. Compared to other expert treatments, DBT greatly reduced suicide attempts and hospital admissions. Furthermore, DBT was especially effective for substance-dependent patients, outshining other treatments in reducing substance use. 

Research into the effectiveness of DBT continues today, with prestigious institutions like Columbia University carrying the torch.


How DBT Helps You Take Control of Your Mental Health

By now, you may be ready to learn how this wonderful tool can help you in your life! At its core, DBT provides its students and patients with four key benefits:

  • Equip individuals to regulate emotions and behaviors.
  • Curb problem behaviors while nurturing skillful ones.
  • Allow the experience of various emotions without impulsively acting on them.
  • Enhance relationships across all facets of life: family, school, and peers.

The true north of DBT? Helping you build a life that feels worth living. And the term "Dialectical"? It signifies the harmony of two opposing ideas. This acceptance of multiplicity, of the “Both-And” rather than the “Either/Or”, is the essence of DBT.

Imagine this: You’re in a situation where your emotions are running high — maybe a friend asked you for a huge favor but never said thank you. Emotionally, you want to break off the friendship. Rationally, you think it may be best to ignore the situation, calculating that something must have come up in their lives. Using your DBT skills, you step back and learn to walk the middle path. By calmly raising the matter when you next see each other, you acknowledge your feelings without unduly threatening the relationship.

Imagine Actionable Therapy with a Graduation Date

DBT shatters the mold of traditional therapy. Rather than a solo voyage into the past, DBT is about the here and now. It's pragmatic, centered on actionable changes for today. Yes, it's therapy, but with a clear end in sight - your 'Graduation'.

Traditional therapy delves deep into the 'why' of mental health challenges. DBT, on the other hand, focuses on the 'how' – how to surmount these challenges. While therapy often sees profound bonds form between therapists and clients, DBT ensures that this bond doesn't overshadow the primary goal: the individual's personal growth. DBT's structure, with its clear timeframe and commitment, ensures the therapy stays anchored in the client's healing, skill acquisition, and empowerment. And, while DBT is focused on the now, students at TheraHive do often report revealing deep insight in the process of focusing on the now!

Unique Advantages of DBT Include:

  • A Holistic Approach: DBT Offers an in-depth route to mental wellness.
  • Skills for Life: that go beyond therapy, providing tools that genuinely stick.
  • Evidence-Based Solutions: supported by extensive research, attesting to DBT's effectiveness.
  • Balance: DBT blends change with acceptance, making therapy an elegant dance rather than a battle.

As the world grapples with rising mental health challenges, DBT stands out, promising a balanced, effective, and empowering approach — no wonder it's steadily cementing its place on the global stage.

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